IPA News

18 Jun 2018

IPA charts with metatext in several languages (Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hebrew, Polish, Brazilian and European Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish) have been contributed by members and are temporarily available for comment here:
http://linguistics.ucla.edu/people/keating/IPA/IPA_charts_2018_trans.html. The Journal of the IPA has previously published a chart in Chinese; for information about contributing translations for other languages, see this same webpage.

9 Jun 2018

Five student members have received IPA Student Awards for their participation in the LabPhon 16 conference, June 19-22, 2018, at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. They are: Anna Bruggeman (University of Cologne, Germany), Amber B. Camp (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA), Stefano Coretta (University of Manchester, UK), Sarah Harper (University of Southern California, USA) and Robin Karlin (Cornell University, USA). Congratulations to these awardees!

18 May 2018

IPA charts (and sub-sections of charts) in multiple fonts, dated 2018, are now available here:

Newly available on this page is a chart in a TeX TIPA Roman (serif) font.

Many thanks to Malgorzata Deron for making these charts and webpage for the Association.

30 Apr 2018

The ICPhS website now includes the call for papers: http://www.icphs2019.org/call-for-papers/. The portal for online submissions will open on Monday 6 August 2018; the deadline for submissions is Tuesday 4 December 2018.

28 Apr 2018

Subject to candidate numbers, the 2018 Certificate examinations of the International Phonetic Association will be held in London on Tuesday 5th June 2018, and on Tuesday 28th August 2018.

The entry fee for the examination is £120 (£60 for student members).

Registration closes one month before the exam date.
