A minor revision to the 2005 chart is now available, in three different fonts, at
https://www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/content/full-ipa-chart. Subcharts and multiple formats/resolutions to appear later.
IPA News
20 Feb 2016
19 Feb 2016
Three IPA Student Awards will be granted to participants in the 1st International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, to be held 25-28 March in Nagoya, Japan. See the conference website (http://www.isc.chubu.ac.jp/ISAPh2016/) for more information. |
29 Dec 2015
Full information will be available (on the website, in emails sent to current members) on or about Jan. 1. For 2016, members will choose online-only vs. online-plus-print access to the Journal, and fees will be payable in GBP. Online-only: £26 Full /£13 Student (a reduction from the 2015 rates); online-plus-print: £46 Full /£33 Student (an increase from the 2015 rates). Current life members will continue to have both kinds of access without charge. Members wanting the April 2016 issue in print must renew/join by 21 February. Please note the IPA website will undergo a short period of maintenance on 31st Dec 2015. |
7 Oct 2015
The ISCA Special Interest Group (SIG) on the history of Speech Communication Sciences (SIG-HIST, http://www.isca-speech.org/iscaweb/index.php/sigs?layout=edit&id=128), which is co-sponsored by the IPA, held the First International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research in Dresden on Sept. 4-5, 2015 (http://www.isca-speech.org/archive/hscr_2015/). SIG-HIST invites speech communication laboratories to send them pictures, audio files and video clips of historical instruments with a short description to be put on the SIG's website at http://www.sig-hist.org. The plan is to set up and maintain a kind of "virtual museum". IPA members are encouraged to participate. |
The Association's Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/internationalphoneticassociation, is featuring posts about the student members who won IPA Student Awards or Gosta Bruce Scholarships to attend ICPhS in August. You don't have to be a FB member to see these posts. |