IPA News

23 Mar 2018

The IPA is co-sponsoring LabPhon16, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-22, 2018. IPA is offering up to five Awards of €150. Applicants for these Awards must be (1) sole author or first and presenting author of an oral or poster presentation accepted by LabPhon16, and (2) an eligible student member of the IPA: student member, unemployed member, member under age 35, or member from a low-income-level country. Applicants may join the IPA at the time of application, as long as the membership can be confirmed before an Award is made.

To apply for an Award, eligible members of the IPA should send to the Secretary (Gerry Docherty, secretary@internationalphoneticassociation.org) and to the Chair of the Conference Sponsorships and Student Awards Committee (Katerina Nicolaidis, knicol@enl.auth.gr) an email that states their name, current academic affiliation (if any), how they are eligible for an Award (student member, or other eligible category), and for student members, the name and email address of an academic supervisor. The email should be accompanied by the abstract that has been accepted for oral or poster presentation at LabPhon16 and by the confirmation of acceptance from the conference organizers. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2018. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Sponsorships and Student Awards Committee and decisions will be made by April 25, 2018. For student members, the Award will cover the student early registration fee. For other eligible members, the Award will cover part of the regular early registration fee.

20 Nov 2017

New versions of our 2015 IPA charts in 3 fonts are now available here:


These new charts (dated 2016) provide different formats, resolutions, and sub-sections of the 2015 charts (i.e. the various options that have been available only for the 2005 chart). The current location for these files is temporary until a new, re-organized version of the Association’s chart pages becomes available.

Many thanks to Malgorzata Deron for making these charts for the Association.

27 Oct 2017

The keynote speakers for the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, to be held 4-10 August 2019 in Melbourne, Australia, will be:

> Amalia Arvaniti, UK

> Jonas Beskow, Sweden

> Nick Evans, Australia

> Bryan Gick, Canada

> Lucie Menard, Canada

14 Jun 2017

The Council of the IPA is establishing committees that will take on some of the tasks of running the Association, and will allow us to expand what we can do for the field of phonetics. Here are the committees currently being set up, their Council memberships, and brief descriptions. At least some committees will be adding non-Council members, including student members.

Alphabet, Charts and Fonts (Pat Keating (chair), Asher Laufer, Wai-Sum Lee, Adrian Simpson, John Wells (consulting member)) - Contact point for proposals for changes to the alphabet or chart; production of IPA charts in various fonts, file formats, and image resolutions; online distribution of these charts; liaison with SIL and Unicode Technical Committee; liaison with International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association; soliciting, vetting, and disseminating IPA charts in languages other than English and tables of correspondences between IPA and non-IPA symbols.

Conference Sponsorships and Student Awards (Pam Beddor, John Esling, Jonathan Harrington, Katerina Nicolaidis (chair), Masaki Taniguchi) - Policies for conference/workshop sponsorship; evaluation of requests to the IPA for such sponsorship. Guidelines and criteria for evaluating applications for IPA Student Awards and Gösta Bruce travel awards; solicitation and evaluation of applications for these awards. Determination and management of annual budget for awards.

Education (Patricia Ashby, Plinio Barbosa, Cecile Fougeron, Keith Johnson, Maria-Josep Sole (chair)) - Educational content of the IPA’s website and other educational outreach to students and teachers of phonetics.

History (Michael Ashby (chair), Bill Barry, Janet Fletcher, Pat Keating) - History of the Association and its journals, and of phonetics more generally. Liaison with ISCA SIG on History of Speech Communication Research, The Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas, and with the historical acoustic-phonetics collection (HAPS) at TU Dresden.

Phonetic Documentation of Languages (Kofi Adu Manyah, Ian Maddieson (chair), Alexis Michaud, Ailbhe Ni Chasaide, Daniel Recasens, Marija Tabain) - Encourage and fund phonetic fieldwork through existing organizations; offer expert advice to fieldworkers; liaison with archives of language materials.

Social Media and Outreach (Martine Grice, Jane Stuart-Smith (chair)) - Develop our social media, including our website, our Facebook and Twitter accounts, and our presence in Wikipedia, especially with a view to outreach to non-members who are interested in phonetics and the IPA.

3 Jan 2017

The Journal of the IPA (JIPA) has now moved to an online submission system for all new Research Articles and Illustrations, including production files, which are to be submitted through JIPA's ScholarOne Manuscripts site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jipa.

Prior to submission, please ensure you consult the revised Instructions for Contributors PDF documents available on the CambridgeCore (Cambridge University Press) website.

Reviews, as well as revised manuscripts of Research Articles and Illustrations already with the editorial team, are to be submitted via email:

  • Reviews are to be submitted to the Review Editor, Linda Shockey (l.shockey@reading.ac.uk)
  • Revised versions of Research Articles and Illustrations, including final versions ready for production, are to be sent to the Editor, Amalia Arvaniti (a.arvaniti@kent.ac.uk).

Instructions for contributors can be downloaded from CambridgeCore (Cambridge University Press).

JIPA: https://www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/content/journal-ipa
