IPA News 2014

14 Dec 2014

In December 2104, seven IPA-elected representatives to the Permanent Council for the Organization of ICPhS were elected for the period 2015-2023. The 7 elected members are:

  • Anne Cutler, the Netherlands
  • John H. Esling, Canada
  • Daniel Hirst, France
  • Patricia Keating, USA
  • Ian Maddieson, USA
  • Katerina Nicolaidis, Greece
  • Masaki Taniguchi, Japan

Their term will begin at the August ICPhS meeting in Glasgow. Congratulations to the new members.

20 Nov 2014

The Gösta Bruce Memorial Fund was established by the family of the late Gösta Bruce, previous President of the IPA, to provide travel awards to student members of the IPA presenting their work at International Congresses of Phonetic Sciences. The IPA will offer these Gösta Bruce Scholarships for the next Congress, in August 2015.

The Gösta Bruce Memorial Fund depends on continuing donations! IPA members (and others) are asked to consider contributing to the Fund in order to increase the number of Gösta Bruce Scholarships that can be awarded to students in 2015. Information about how to contribute to the Fund is under "Grants – How to contribute to the Fund".

8 Nov 2014

The cost of renewing IPA membership for 2015 (for our Full and Student members, who renew each year) will remain the same as in the past – 45 EUR for Full and 22.50 EUR for Student members.

As always, a benefit of membership is a subscription to the Association’s Journal. For 2015, all members will receive print issues of the Journal, as before. In addition, all members will have online access to the Journal – not only to the 2015 volume, but also to all the back issues, back to 1971. Many members already have this access through their institutions, but now all members will have it, via the members-only part of our forthcoming new website. This combination of print+online access at no extra charge will be offered only for 2015; beginning in 2016, we plan to introduce different membership fees for different kinds of Journal subscriptions.

Another benefit of membership in 2015 is a reduced registration fee for the upcoming International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, to be held in Glasgow 10-14 August. While the registration fees for the Congress have not yet been announced, IPA members will receive a discount of 30 GBP for Full members and 20 GBP for Student members. In order to receive this discount, membership dues for 2015 must be paid by February 1.

31 Oct 2014

The following members of the Permanent Council for the Organisation of ICPhS need to be elected in the elections that will be held in 2014 and 2015.

Group 1:
2 ex officio members to be elected at the Congress in Glasgow for the period 2015-2019.
Group 2:
7 members to be elected by the IPA membership for the period 2015-2023. The Secretary of the IPA, Patricia Keating, is administering this part of the election. Elections will take place in November 2014.
Group 3:
9 members by PC election prior to the Congress for the period 2015-2023. The Secretary of the PC for the Organisation of ICPhS, Maria-Josep Solé, is administering this part of the election.
1 member (2019 Congress organiser) by PC election at the Congress in Glasgow for the period 2015-2023.

In October 2014, the PC formally approved the election procedure for Group 3 members. Following discussion, PC members agreed to continue the procedure used in the past for the election of Group 3 members. Seventeen members voted in favour of the following procedure:

Election procedure for Group 3 members

Round 1:
Group 3 members nominate up to 5 candidates each for election. Each of the 9 outgoing members indicates whether they wish to stand for reelection.
Round 2:
Group 3 members vote for nine candidates from the list of nominees. Candidates who receive at least two votes in round 2 can enter round 3. Nominees are then asked by the PC Exec if they are willing to stand. The final list of candidates is formed.
Round 3:
Group 3 members vote for nine candidates from the final list of round 2. The first nine candidates are elected.

In round 1, all 11 Group 3 members can nominate up to five candidates each for election. Only the 9 outgoing members (i.e. except for those elected as congress organisers) can indicate if they wish to stand for reelection.

The PC also agreed to the following time schedule for the elections:

Time schedule for the elections

The election procedure for Group 3 members will start in January 2015 after the results of the new Group 2 members, elected by the IPA membership, are announced in December. This will enable Group 3 members to nominate candidates representing different countries, languages and sub-disciplines.

Round 1:
10 Jan 2015: Secretary requests nominations for Group 3 members. Each current Group 3 member can nominate up to five candidates. Secretary asks whether the 9 outgoing Group 3 members would like to stand again.
10 Feb 2015: closing date for receipt of nominations and for current Group 3 members to have notified the Secretary of their willingness to stand again.
Round 2:
15 February 2015: first ballot to be e-mailed to Group 3 members to vote for 9 candidates.
15 March 2015: completed ballot to be received by the Secretary.
30 March 2015: nominees to have notified the Secretary if they would like to stand for election.
Round 3:
15 April 2015: second ballot to be e-mailed to Group 3 members to vote for 9 candidates.
15 May 2015: completed ballot to be received by the Secretary.

14 Sep 2014

The IPA has granted another IPA Student Awards to a student member participating in a phonetic conference. The recipient of the Award is Valerie Freeman of the University of Washington for participation in NWAV 43 (New Ways of Analyzing Variation) in Chicago. Congratulations to this student member.
