IPA News 2014

4 Aug 2014

As prescribed in the by-laws of the Association and the Permanent Council for the Organization of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, nominations to elect the new IPA Council, as well as the six IPA-elected representatives to the Permanent Council, will be open from 10 August 2014 to 10 October 2014. Elections for both the IPA Council and Permanent Council will be held in November-December 2014.

Twenty members of the IPA Council will be elected for four-year terms (2015-2019); the Council-elect will then elect 10 additional members in March 2015. The new Council (30 members) will elect the Executive Committee in June 2015. Nominees for the IPA Council must be members of the Association and should agree in advance to stand for election.

Seven members of the Permanent Council will be elected for eight-year terms (2015-2023). Nominees for the Permanent Council need not be members of the Association; they should agree in advance to stand for election. *This paragraph corrects the erroneous information published in the August 2014 JIPA.*

Members of the Association are asked to submit nominations for the IPA Council and the Permanent Council to the Secretary.

23 May 2014

The call for proposals for the organization of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (19th ICPhS) is now open. Click here for details. Download the guidelines for the bid here.

14 May 2014

The IPA has granted two IPA Student Awards to student members participating in phonetics conferences. The recipients of the Awards are Martin Kohlberger of Leiden University for participation in Sound Change in Interacting Human Systems (University of California, Berkeley, USA), and Caroline Sigouin of Université Laval (Québec, Canada) for participation in 30es Journées d'études sur la parole (Le Mans, France). Congratulations to these student members.

15 Apr 2014

The IPA will grant five IPA Student Awards of €425/£350 in the remaining months of 2014. Applicants for these Awards must be:

  1. a current student member of the Association at the time of application, and
  2. first and presenting author on a paper accepted for an open (non-student, international) conference held in 2014.

To apply for an Award, send the Secretary of the IPA (Patricia Keating) an email with:

  • your name and current academic affiliation
  • the name and email address of a current academic supervisor
  • the name, date, and location of the conference
  • a copy of your paper or abstract that has been accepted
  • some form of confirmation of acceptance of your paper, and
  • a brief (1-2 sentences) description of the phonetic relevance of your paper.

Optionally, you may also describe the phonetic relevance of your attendance at the conference.

Please submit your application at least 2 weeks before the conference.
