Handbook of the IPA: Sound Recordings
The audio files to accompany the language Illustrations in Part 2 of the Handbook of the IPA may be downloaded from here.
JIPA Illustrations of the IPA: Sound Recordings
A cumulative list of all these language Illustrations, starting from 1998, is available here.
IPA members can access the list of all these language Illustrations and all accompanying recorded material via a members-only page here. Please note that you need to log in as an IPA member first to access the audio material.
A map showing locations of languages currently covered by Illustrations, with links to the text and audio of each Illustration, is available here. Thanks to Marija Tabain, Richard Breare, and Casey Ford for this marvelous resource.
Audio Cassette and CD of Sounds
An audio cassette and CD of IPA Sounds are published on behalf of the International Phonetic Association by the Department of Speech Hearing and Phonetic Sciences, UCL. They are available via the following URL -