IPA News 2018

26 Nov 2018

As one of the principal sponsors of the 2019 ICPhS taking place in Melbourne, the IPA is delighted to announce benefits for members attending the Congress:


IPA members will receive a discount of AU$70 on the ICPhS registration fee, a sum that is in excess of the annual IPA membership fee (IPA membership will have to be valid at the point of ICPhS registration).


Student IPA members will be eligible to apply for an IPA Student Award. These will be set at GBP600, thereby providing significant assistance with the costs of participating in ICPhS. Applications for the awards will open on 15th February 2019 (the date on which the ICPhS acceptance announcements will be issued) and the application window will close on 1st March 2019. IPA membership will have to be valid at the point of application. The outcome of the Awards applications will be announced by 31st March. Funding will be available for up to 49 such Awards.

Further information about the Student Awards and about process for applying for them will be available soon, so please watch this space.

Applications for IPA membership can be lodged via our website at
This same web-page gives a full list of member benefits.

19 Sep 2018

IPA charts from 1900 to 1951 are now available at http://linguistics.ucla.edu/people/keating/IPA/IPA_hist/IPA_hist_2018.html. Thanks to UCLA student Natalie Udomkesmalee and the IPA's Małgorzata Deroń for making this wonderful resource available to all.

15 Sep 2018

Currently the IPA has 346 members from 50 countries:

16 Jul 2018

Thanks to Małgorzata Deroń, we now offer an “interactive” (clickable) IPA chart (“i-chart”) that combines three functions available separately elsewhere: phonetic symbol definitions and Unicode character information, playable audio examples, and a keyboarder function for phonetic transcription. Try it here!

18 Jun 2018

IPA charts with metatext in several languages (Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hebrew, Polish, Brazilian and European Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish) have been contributed by members and are temporarily available for comment here:
http://linguistics.ucla.edu/people/keating/IPA/IPA_charts_2018_trans.html. The Journal of the IPA has previously published a chart in Chinese; for information about contributing translations for other languages, see this same webpage.
