IPA News

24 Jul 2019

The IPA announces 49 student members receiving IPA Student Awards/Travel Bursaries and Gösta Bruce Scholarships for participation in ICPhS-2019. Following paper evaluation, 49 papers were selected from a total of 144 applications. The four highest scoring papers were selected for the Gösta Bruce Scholarships (two papers on
prosody and two on other areas of phonetics).

The 4 awardees for the Gösta Bruce Scholarships are: Josh Clothier, Quentin Qin, Jungyun Seo, Katharina Zahner. Congratulations!

The 45 awardees for the IPA Student Awards/Travel Bursaries are: Sarah Babinski, Marton Bartok, Emanuela Buizza, Yaminah Carter, Ja Young Choi, Jenna Conklin, Meike (Marria) de Boer, Alexis Dehais Underdown, Marie Dokovova, Marita Everhardt, Jiayin Gao, Helen Gent, Lindsey Graham, Sarah Harper, Ane Icardo Isasa, Hyunjung Joo, Jiseung Kim, Boram Kim, Jungah Lee, Jiyoung Lee, Eleanor Lewis, Sarah Li, Katherine Marcoux, Michael McAuliffe, Philipp Meer, Marie-Anne Morand, Sejin Oh, Skye Onosson, Rosamund Oxbury, Joshua Penney, Louise Ratko, Antoin Eoin Rodgers, Na-Young Ryu, Mitko Sabev, Terri Scott, Kaylin Smith, Jeremy Steffman, Alyssa Strickler, Lisa Sullivan, James Tanner, Jia Tian, Aurora Troncoso-Ruiz, Mengzhu Yan, Sun Yan, Muye Zhang. Congratulations!

The IPA Student Awards cover the congress registration fee and housing. The Gösta Bruce Scholarships and Travel Bursaries cover travel costs to ICPhS. The Gösta Bruce Scholarships are funded by the Gösta Bruce Memorial Fund, which honors the previous IPA president. Many thanks to all who have donated to the Fund.

19 Jul 2019


IPA acknowledges that members may have primary carer responsibilities that may limit their access to opportunities for conference attendance, and as such is offering up to five GBP300 awards to support this.

The IPA Primary Carer Support Scheme aims to support members with primary carer responsibilities to present their work at significant national or international conferences, workshops, or symposia relevant to their careers. Each award is for a maximum of GBP300 and can be used to contribute to:

  • flights/travel for the dependent and an additional carer to accompany the applicant interstate or overseas;
  • dependent carer services in the location of the conference, workshop, symposium or fieldwork site;
  • alternative carer services in the primary carer’s home base.


(a) The applicant must be a member of the IPA and must be financial with their membership fees for at least six months at the time of application.
(b) The paper must have been accepted for presentation at ICPhS (either as an oral presentation or a poster).
(c) The applicant must be the first named author of the paper/abstract (principal investigator of the work).
(d) Applicants already in receipt of an ICPhS 2019 IPA Student Award are not eligible for this scheme. Applicants who are in receipt of a Primary Carer Award through the similar scheme being run by the Australasian Speech Science & Technology Association will not be eligible for an award under the IPA scheme.


Applicants will be required to provide the following detailed rationale for their application (on no more than one page):

  1. nature of participation in the conference
  2. justification of application for carer support in view of usual and extraordinary caring arrangements and detailing why particular costs are necessary. Describe, where appropriate, why alternative, less expensive options are not available, including care by other family members;
  3. budget and budget justification.

Applicants should also send proof of ICPhS registration.

A small ad hoc committee of three IPA Council members will be convened to consider applications and to select the awardees. Information submitted by applicants will be used by members of the selection panel in strictest confidence.

To apply, please email a copy of your paper, your confirmation of registration, and your case for support to the IPA secretary (secretary@internationalphoneticassociation.org) by 28th July 2019.

5 Jul 2019

The new Council of the IPA has chosen the following members as the officers of the 2019-2023 Executive: Michael Ashby (UCL, London) - President; Amalia Arvaniti (U. Kent, Canterbury, UK) - Vice-president; Ghada Khattab (Newcastle U., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK - Treasurer; Gerard Docherty (Griffith U., Brisbane, Australia) - Secretary; Marija Tabain (La Trobe U., Melbourne, Australia) - Editor. Congratulations to all!

The IPA holds a general business meeting every four years, at ICPhS. Officers and committees report on the Association's activities and plans, and suggestions from the audience are welcome. This year's meeting will be on Monday, August 5, 13:00-14:30. The conference programme will have the room number for the meeting.

13 Feb 2019

The International Phonetic Association is offering up to 35 IPA Student Awards, 10 Travel bursaries and 4 Gösta Bruce Scholarships for ICPhS 2019. The Gösta Bruce Scholarships are supported by donations to the Gösta Bruce Memorial Fund, which honors the previous IPA president. Details on eligibility, financial benefits and evaluation criteria are available below.

The application period is from Feb 15th - to March 1st 2019. Awards will be announced by the end of March, giving awardees time to register for the ICPhS in advance of the 15th April unique early-bird registration deadline (see https://www.icphs2019.org/congress-registration/ for details)

Eligible members of the IPA should send to the IPA Secretary (Gerry Docherty) an email that states their name, current academic affiliation (if any), and how they are eligible for an Award (student member, or other eligible category). The email should be accompanied by a pdf copy of the submitted ICPhS paper (deanonymized) and by the confirmation of acceptance from the conference organizers. The above material should be submitted with the subject line “ICPhS award application”.
Awards will be made available to successful applicants in advance of the ICPhS on receipt of the relevant supporting documentation (further details of which will be provided to awardees).


IPA Student Awards/Travel Bursaries and Gösta Bruce Scholarships for ICPhS presenters


To support student and other eligible members as described below to present their research at ICPhS.


Awards are granted to Association members from any of the following groups: (i) student members, (ii) unemployed members, (iii) members under age 35, or (iv) members from countries where funding resources are limited. Proof of student or other relevant status must be submitted with the application. Members who are first or sole author of a paper or poster are eligible to apply.

Financial benefits

Student Award - up to GBP600 towards costs of early-bird student member conference registration fee and accommodation.
Travel Bursary and Gösta Bruce Scholarship - up to GBP600 towards travel costs to ICPhS.


Information about the availability of, and mode of application for, these awards is provided by the IPA and the conference organizers.

Selection criteria

Papers of award applicants are reviewed by the IPA Committee on Conference Sponsorships and Student Awards. Evaluations are based on the criteria (1-5) below using a 10-point scale for each criterion that is subsequently adjusted for criterion weighting (10-40%) and averaged across reviewers.
The highest scoring papers will be selected for the Gösta Bruce Scholarships, with the stipulation that at least half of those scholarships will be awarded for research on prosody (and that first or sole authors of those papers are not previous Gösta Bruce Scholarship recipients). The remaining awards will be made based primarily on paper scores, but with additional attention to distribution to members from a variety of countries.

  1. Research Background: Theoretical framework, analysis of concepts and debates, aims, need for the study (15%)
  2. Methodology: research design, data collection procedures, analysis approach (25%)
  3. Results and Discussion: presentation of results, critical analysis of findings, interpretation, substantiated conclusions (40%)
  4. Originality: scholarly significance (10%)
  5. Overall impression: organisation of the paper, writing style, clarity, readability (10%)
