IPA News

30 Sep 2012

Following discussion, the PC voted on the copyright provision and distribution license of
ICPhS Proceedings from 2012 onwards.

The PC approved the following resolution:

  1. Copyright will remain with the author(s) at all times.
  2. Papers distributed in conference proceedings (whether print or digital) and posted on the
    IPA's public ICPhS Archive will be licensed by their authors under a Creative Commons
    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 or 4.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 or 4.0).

The vote was 17 in favor of the resolution, 0 against, and 8 abstentions.

The CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 or 4.0 license allows non-commercial reproduction and distribution by
others of the papers, as long as attribution is made to the author(s). It disallows commercial
reproduction and derivative works (e.g. translate the work without permission); permission for
such disallowed uses must be sought separately from individual authors.

1 Jul 2012

The IPA chart and all its subparts have been placed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License. Please click here for details.

31 May 2012

The IPA granted ICPhS2015 a non-refundable fund of 9,000€ on condition that eligible IPA
members receive a discount on the ICPhS registration fee of 30 GBP for regular members
and 20 GBP for student members.

ICPhS2015 will acknowledge the donation from the IPA as follows:

(a) name the IPA among the sponsors, including on the conference website,

(b) provide a stand at the Congress for the IPA to attract new members,

(c) place an advertisement for the IPA in the Book of Abstracts,

(d) no later than October 2014, include an announcement on the conference website
informing prospective Congress participants that they can receive a discount on the
ICPhS2015 registration fee (as well as full IPA membership rights for 2015) if they become
members of the Association by February 1, 2015. The announcement will also provide
information (to be provided by the IPA Secretary) about the membership fee and membership
rights for 2015.

ICPhS2015 appreciates that the IPA intends to support student participation at ICPhS2015 by
making available some Gösta Bruce Student Scholarships.
ICPhS2015 will include in its process for accepting papers an agreement whereby authors
grant the IPA the right to post their papers in a public online archive, and will give the IPA
access to all the papers in electronic form.

1 May 2012

The IPA has granted four IPA Student Awards to cover the registration fee for student members attending the Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2012), to be held in Nanjing China May 26-29. The recipients of the Awards are Jianjing Kuang of UCLA (USA), Jeff Malins of the University of Western Ontario (Canada), Stephen Politzer-Ahles of the University of Kansas (USA), and Robert Xu of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Congratulations to the first recipients of the IPA's new IPA Student Award program.

1 Apr 2012

Application is now closed. Results are announced here.

The IPA is co-sponsoring the Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2012), to be held in Nanjing China May 26-29. Under its newly-established IPA Student Award program, the IPA is offering up to four Awards to cover the TAL registration fee. Applicants for these Awards must be (1) first and presenting author on a paper accepted by TAL 2012, and (2) an eligible member of the IPA: student member, unemployed member, member under age 35, or member from a low-income-level country. Applicants may join the IPA at the time of application, as long as the membership can be confirmed before an Award is made.

To apply for an Award, eligible members of the IPA should send to the Secretary (Patricia Keating, keating@humnet.ucla.edu) an email that states their name and current academic affiliation (if any), how they are eligible for an Award (student member, or other eligible category), and for student members, the name and email address of an academic supervisor. The email should be accompanied by a copy of the paper that has been accepted for TAL 2012. The deadline for applications is Wed. April 25, 2012, and decisions will be made before the end of the month. Funds for the Awards will be disbursed directly to the TAL 2012 organizers.
