The IPA invites applications for a new student mobility programme. Awards will be funded for up to 1500€ each; the number of awards will depend on the budget.
The programme will support physical mobility of IPA student members to visit research laboratories with expertise in their area of study. It subsidizes travel or accommodation costs for a minimum two-week mobility to the host institution. It is primarily addressed to student members from countries where funding resources are limited. The primary goal is to provide the opportunity to students to visit a research laboratory abroad in order to conduct a specific, well-defined project (which may be a pilot project). The program will benefit students by allowing them to meet other researchers and build academic networks, acquiring knowledge and skills on the use of new experimental techniques and data analysis methods, presenting their own work to a broader audience, exchanging knowledge and ideas on common research areas. It will also promote future collaborations across different laboratories and countries.
The deadline for applications is February 15th, 2025.
The mobility should be completed by December 15, 2025.
Current graduate student members of the Association are eligible to apply for the student mobility program. Priority will be given to students from countries where funding resources are limited.
The candidates should submit:
- A two-page CV
- A one-page summary of their research project
- A one-page motivation letter including justification for the visit, the expected learning outcomes and how the mobility will add value to their research
- A preliminary breakdown of the costs, including information on whether other funding applications
were submitted and amount applied for
These four documents should be submitted as a single pdf file. In addition, they should also submit:
- A letter of support (PDF) by the supervisor setting out the objectives of the mobility and how it will
benefit the candidate
- A letter of acceptance (PDF) by the host institution with the proposed dates of the visit (minimum 2 weeks).
Applications for IPA membership can be lodged via our website here. A full list of member benefits can be found on the same page. To apply for an Award, eligible members of the IPA should log in to the website with their membership details, fill in the application form and upload all documents to the application form here.
Upon completion of the visit, students are asked to send photographs and a short video describing the visit, the research carried out, and benefits of the programme. This material will be posted on the IPA social media.