15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Using Digital Cine-Radiography to Study Anticipatory Labial Activity in French

Pierre-Yves Connan, Gilbert Brock, Johanna-Pascale Roy, Fabrice Hirsch

Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg, France

Acquisition of speech data using X-rays constitutes a major and more complete means of collecting articulatory information for the study of speech sounds and for computational modeling. Moreover, even if it requires sophisticated technical and medical equipments and is subject to some reserve regarding the use of radiations, with recent developments in digital X-ray technology, this experimental procedure permits nowadays not only to record speakers' productions with low ionizing rays and less radiation diffusion, but also to obtain very high quality images with better contrasts and more details for further exploitation. The data are collected under medical care. Preliminary results obtained from speakers producing French rounded vowels in different consonantal contexts, allow comparing, with a better level of preciseness, previous findings dedicated to the study of anticipatory movements in speech (IPS X-ray database, based on 35 mm films).

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Connan, Pierre-Yves / Brock, Gilbert / Roy, Johanna-Pascale / Hirsch, Fabrice (2003): "Using digital cine-radiography to study anticipatory labial activity in French", In ICPhS-15, 3153-3156.