15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Emotional Prosody and Emotive Intonation

L. Piotrovskaya

Herzen's Russian State Pedagogical University, Russia

Two different terms presented in the title of this paper characterize our approach to the problem "intonation of emotions". The emotional prosody has physiological nature and apply to language universals. The emotive intonation forms a language system with specific intonation patterns that are not identical in various languages. It is possible to differ emotional prosody and emotive intonation at the certain theoretical base that includes the linguistic and psychological classification of emotions and the principles of experimental phonetic research. The investigation of emotive intonation should be based on the semantic investigations of emotive meanings of lexical and grammatical means. It is also necessary to determine the principles for selection the structure patterns of utterances. It must be emotive speech acts with predominating emotive component in their semantic function. The syntax system of each national language has many different "exclamations" patterns.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Piotrovskaya, L. (2003): "Emotional prosody and emotive intonation", In ICPhS-15, 2949-2952.