15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

The Two Types of Transcription (The Buryat Language Database)

Ljubov D. Radnaeva

Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

series The Buryat Language Database is being created at the Department of Phonetics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics, the Saint-Petersburg State University (Radnaeva 2001, 2002). It contains a corpus of the Buryat read speech material of syllables, words and the phonetically representative experimental text of 2 male and 2 female informants.
   All the material is transcribed with the help of the International Phonetic Alphabet by means of the two types of transcription: phonemic and phonetic. The orthographic symbols are transformed into the symbols of series the International Phonetic Alphabet by means of the algorithms of automatic transcription.
   This paper describes the system of vowels and consonants, the way the speech sounds are transcribed and presented in the Buryat Language Database.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Radnaeva, Ljubov D. (2003): "The two types of transcription (the Buryat language database)", In ICPhS-15, 2737-2740.