15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Phonological Primes and McGurk Fusion

Michael Ingleby, Azra N. Ali

University of Huddersfield, UK

We illustrate the power of phonological primes in representing coarticulation processes by modeling nasal assimilation in English and Arabic, then devoicing in German and Arabic. The primes of Government Phonology are used because they have acoustic and in some cases visual signatures - making them detectable in combination and isolation. We use them to model the cross-channel processes that produce McGurk fusion in simple English monosyllables. Unlike coarticulation, which is modeled by assimilation and loss of primes, fusion requires cancellation of those resonance primes that carry conflicting evidence in audio and visual channels. The same cancellative mechanism works equally well with incongruence in the place of articulation of onsets, codas. The mechanism also works with incongruence of vowel quality in nuclei.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Ingleby, Michael / Ali, Azra N. (2003): "Phonological primes and McGurk fusion", In ICPhS-15, 2609-2612.