15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

The Phonetics of Repetition in Other-Initiated Repair Sequences

Traci S. Curl

University of York, UK

This research describes the different phonetic forms of self-repetitions used in other-initiated repairs (i.e., repetitions following what?; huh? by another speaker). Phonetic analysis of the repairs contradicts published accounts of the phonetic correlates of clear speech, and descriptions of the phonetics of repetitions. The phonetic realization of the repetition is shown instead to be systematically related to differences in the turn-taking properties and sequential relevance of the original utterance. This study emphasizes the importance of combining attention to sequential analysis with analysis of fine phonetic detail to fully understand the orderliness in everyday conversation.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Curl, Traci S. (2003): "The phonetics of repetition in other-initiated repair sequences", In ICPhS-15, 1843-1846.