15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Perceptual Boundaries of Quantity in Finnish and Japanese Under the Variants of Pitch, Amplitude, and Syllable Structures

Toshiko Isei-Jaakkola

University of Helsinki, Finland

120 discrimination tests at the word level were conducted to study the perceptual boundary ranges of quantitative distinctions, short/long, of vowels/consonants utilising bisyllabic synthetic nonsense words.
   Eight kinds of syllable structures and three kinds of pitch and intensity variance patterns were used. 14 subjects participated in these tests for Japanese and Finnish. The results showed that the Japanese boundary ranges were shorter than their Finnish counterparts in both vowels and consonants in all structures within the segment and word. The Finnish reached the minimum durational point of long vowels/consonants in a shorter time than the Japanese, but the Finnish had wider prosodic conditional variations than Japanese. The word structural differences affected more than the prosodic conditional differences in differentiating between short and long segments in both Finnish and Japanese.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Isei-Jaakkola, Toshiko (2003): "Perceptual boundaries of quantity in Finnish and Japanese under the variants of pitch, amplitude, and syllable structures", In ICPhS-15, 1727-1730.