15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

A European Accent Map

Lee Harkis, Martin Cooke

University of Sheffield, UK

The European Accent Map project aims to provide an internet resource for the collection and dissemination of regional speech data. This paper describes the methodological and technical issues raised by such a proposal, amongst which are the questions of what speech material to collect, how to allow contributors to adequately self-record their linguistic background, and how to capture audio across the web in a secure and efficient fashion. The current prototype solution employs a distributed architecture based on Java, XML and Unicode technologies. The tool is illustrated via a series of screenshots. The process of localising the tool to European languages is described. The European Accent Map currently stands as a proof-of-concept and future development will focus on larger-scale data collection activities.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Harkis, Lee / Cooke, Martin (2003): "A European accent map", In ICPhS-15, 973-976.