15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

The Effect of Stress on Consonantal Loci

Augustine Agwuele

University of Texas at Austin, USA

The report presented in this paper concerns with the extent to which stress affects the locus of the consonant in V#CV sequences. Two stress positions [V1CV2and V1CV2] were studied. Locus equations coefficients were used to determine the degree to which carryover of vocalic gestures from a stressed segment impact the onset of C in the following unstressed segment, and the extent to which the presence of stress on V2 reflects on the locus of C. The results show that stress is a significant factor under the two conditions. In both test cases, V2, regardless of stress, closely affects the consonantal locus than V1. However, the degree of V2's influence on C is significantly reduced when V1 is stressed, and enhanced when V2 is stressed.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Agwuele, Augustine (2003): "The effect of stress on consonantal loci", In ICPhS-15, 787-790.