15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Prosodic and Rhythmic Patterns Produced By Native and Non-Native Speakers of a Quantity-Sensitive Language

Z. S. Bond (1), Dace Markus (2), Verna Stockmal (1)

(1) Ohio University, USA
(2) University of Latvia, Latvia

Native speakers and learners of Latvian read isolated words and a short text, designed to inventory the prosodic patterns of the target language. The learners did not match native speaker patterns on any of the prosodic properties examined: contrastive vowel durations, syllable intonations, stress or rhythm. Rather, their productions were strongly influenced by the prosodic patterns of their native language, Russian.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Bond, Z. S. / Markus, Dace / Stockmal, Verna (2003): "Prosodic and rhythmic patterns produced by native and non-native speakers of a quantity-sensitive language", In ICPhS-15, 527-530.