15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Anticipatory and Carryover Coarticulation in Turkish

Aline Asci, Béatrice Vaxelaire, Véronique Ferbach-Hecker, Mélina Guedet

Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg, France

This investigation is based on X-ray and acoustic data and looks at vocalic anticipatory and carryover effects on adjacent consonants in Turkish. Consonant-Vowel- Consonant-Vowel (C1V1C2V2) sequences and Vowel- Consonant + Consonant-Vowel (V1C1C2V2) sequences are embedded in short carrier sentences. In the C1V1C2V2 context, the vowels are either /y/ and/or /o/ and the consonants are either /s/, /g/ or /t/. Such sequences should allow investigating the effects of anticipatory rounding from the vowels to the contiguous consonants and also the effects of carryover coarticulation from V1 on C2. In the V1C1C2V2 context, the vowels are always /y/ and CC is the /st/ cluster. The latter sequence should serve in observing the effects of anticipatory and carryover gestures from the rounded vowels onto the cluster. Two speakers produced the sentences at a normal speaking rate.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Asci, Aline / Vaxelaire, Béatrice / Ferbach-Hecker, Véronique / Guedet, Mélina (2003): "Anticipatory and carryover coarticulation in Turkish", In ICPhS-15, 419-422.