15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-15)

Barcelona, Spain
August 3-9, 2003

Using Articulatory Data to Inform Speech Pathology Theory and Clinical Practice

Fiona E. Gibbon

Queen Margaret University College, UK

This paper outlines new developments and recent research in electropalatography (EPG) and discusses how they have contributed to theoretical issues in speech pathology and clinical practice. A central theoretical issue in speech pathology is defining the articulatory processes underlying speech disabilities. EPG data are providing increasing evidence that abnormal speech motor control underlies at least some disorders that were previously thought to have a linguistic origin. The technique also provides visual feedback of tongue-palate contacts, which has been shown to be an effective approach to the treatment of articulation disorders in children and adults. Portable units have increased the effectiveness of feedback therapy because they allow for more frequent practice. Recent initiatives have successfully widened access to EPG therapy. Case illustrations show how the new Windows(circ)ledR EPG provides researchers and clinicians with a more technological advanced system and a wider range of facilities than previous versions.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Gibbon, Fiona E. (2003): "Using articulatory data to inform speech pathology theory and clinical practice", In ICPhS-15, 261-264.