14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-14)

San Francisco, CA, USA
August 1-7, 1999

Voice Quality Settings of the Pharynx

John H. Esling

University of Victoria, Canada

Cardinal consonant productions were filmed laryngoscopically to define the auditory categories pharyngealized voice, raised larynx voice, lowered larynx voice, and faucalized voice articulatorily. Each setting was also produced on three sustained vowels, [i,A,u], at contrasting pitch levels. Results suggest that pharyngealized voice and raised larynx voice share constriction or pursing of the aryepiglottic sphincter mechanism, entailing retracted tongue root and elevated larynx. This setting is more pronounced in the context of an [A] vowel. Lowered larynx voice and faucalized voice, by contrast, share a setting which is the opposite of pharyngealized, with an open rather than a sphinctered epilaryngeal vestibule, and with a lowered larynx position. Cardinal pharyngeal/ epiglottal consonants are shown to alter in the contexts of raised and lowered larynx postures.

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Bibliographic reference.  Esling, John H. (1999): "Voice quality settings of the pharynx", In ICPhS-14, 2449-2452.