14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-14)

San Francisco, CA, USA
August 1-7, 1999

On Intonation in Thai Spontaneous Discourse: Broadcasting Interview

René Gsell (1), Kittipol Tinothai (2)

(1) Institute of Phonetics, University of Paris III and CNRS URA 1027
(2) University of Paris III, EA 1483 and CNRS URA 1027
Paris, France

The present investigation concerns the intonation organization in a particular variety of thai spontaneous discourse: broadcasting interview. Our goal is first to identify and describe acoustical prosodic markers used as cues for segmentation of longer utterances called "paragraphs", such as accents, pauses, durational units, downdrift segments and resettings, all included in a grid representative of the overall organization. In a second step, all these cues are confronted with the results of syntactic and pragmatic analysis and interpreted as function markers of content values on the enunciative level.

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Bibliographic reference.  Gsell, René / Tinothai, Kittipol (1999): "On intonation in Thai spontaneous discourse: broadcasting interview", In ICPhS-14, 1233-1236.