14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-14)

San Francisco, CA, USA
August 1-7, 1999

Rhythm and Region: Scaling the Perceptual Dimensions of Korean

Verna Stockmal, Z. S. Bond

Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA

After 10 minutes of exposure to a spoken sample, listeners rated the similarity of Korean to rhythmically similar languages (Experiment 1) or to languages from the same geographical area (Experiment 2). Listener ratings were submitted to MDS analysis receiving two-dimensional solutions. When listeners were comparing Korean to rhythmically similar languages, the dimensions of the derived stimulus configuration could be interpreted as 'geographic area' and 'syllable type variety'. When listeners were comparing Korean to other languages from South East Asia, the derived stimulus configuration showed sensitivity to speaker affect, prosodic pattern and segment inventory.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Stockmal, Verna / Bond, Z. S. (1999): "Rhythm and region: scaling the perceptual dimensions of Korean", In ICPhS-14, 849-852.