14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS-14)

San Francisco, CA, USA
August 1-7, 1999

Two Kinds of Palatalisation in Japanese: An Electropalatographic Study

Mitsuhiro Nakamura

Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, UK

This paper reports preliminary experiments describing patterns of linguopalatal contact in VCV and VC/j/V sequences analysed using the electropalatographic (EPG) technique to study the articulatory nature of Japanese palatalisation. We examine the articulatory nature of /i/ and /j/ and that of /n/, /s/, /k/ in the palatalising environments. Of specific interest are the areas of contact and timing of the dorsum involvement. We assess qualitatively the EPG correlates of Japanese palatalisation and its nature is discussed in the light of the theoretical assumptions made by Articulatory Phonology. EPG evidence suggests that articulatory blending operates at the level of the whole gesture (constriction location, degree, and stiffness). The paper gives support to the account made by Articulatory Phonology, suggesting that the model provides a good ground for capturing the secondary articulation as a language-specific aspect of articulatory organisation.

Full Paper

Bibliographic reference.  Nakamura, Mitsuhiro (1999): "Two kinds of palatalisation in Japanese: an electropalatographic study", In ICPhS-14, 57-60.